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vim: my cheatsheet

18 Sep 2024

Updpate from Oct 2024: using vim as a daily editor made me learn these keys in the hard and quick way, so I don't need this note as a reference. Moreover, a lot of these been remapped in my config.


:ls :buffers - list buffers

:buffer <n> - load buffer n to a current window

:edit <file> - create a new buffer with a file

:edit #<n> - edit n-th buffer

:bdelete [n] - delete current or n-th buffer

:[n] + Ctrl+^ - show previous or n-th buffer


ctrl+w s, ctrl+w v - split current window, split vertically

:split [filename], :vsplit [filename] - same as above, optionally loads a file

:q, :qa - close a window, close all windows

:vert help motion.txt - open help in vertical split

ctrl+w _ - maximize currnet window horizontall

ctrl+w | - maximize currnet window vertically

ctrl+w = - make all splits of whe same size


:tabnew [filename] - create a new tab, optionally opening a file

:tabe - new tab with an empty buffer

gt/gT, :tabnext/:tabprev - show next/previous tab

ctrl+w T - move current buffer to a new tab (note the capital "T", so it's ctrl+w shift+t)

_ - go to first char of the line

0 - go to the beginning of the line (to the 0-th position)

f+char - to forward to char, e.g f= jumps right to the closest = in this line

F+char - same as above, but backward

;, , - repeat above jumps in each direction

viw - select the word under cursor ("visual inside word")

vi" - same as above, select everything in ""-s

vi( (same as vi)) - same as above, select everything in ()-s

vip - select the whole paragraph ("visual inside paragraph")

cw - change word (c is for "change", e.g delete and continue in insert mode)

ciw - select the word under cursor ("visual inside word")

yiw, yi" - yank (copy) Word or content in ""s

{, } - move back and forth by paragraph

zA - fold/unfold up to a root level

zM, zR - close / open all folds in a document

^w = - make all split windows of the same size

^w _, ^w | - expand current split vertically/horizontally

gx - open URL under cursor

gf - open file under cursor in current buffer

Ctrl+W f - open file under cursor in a split

m<mark> - mark current position with mark (a single key, e.g: m1, ma, etc).

'<mark> - go to mark (e.g '1 to go mark 1, 'a go to mark a).

ze, zs - horizontall scroll to left/right.

/what, ?that - search forward and backward

n, N - go to next/previous match

/ then ^p, ^n - scroll search history

q/ - open the whole search history into a separate buffer. Go search thru your search history!


:set modified? - check if a buffer was modified

:set modified - mark buffer as modified

:set [no]modifiable - make buffer as [no]-modifiable